Налоговый консалтинг и аудит, due dildgence, хозяйственные споры и конфликты, сопровождение инвестиционных проектов, построение холдинговых структур, внешнеэкономические сделки, сложные юридические экспертизы, представительство в судах, налоговое сопровождение сделок с недвижимостью, договорное моделирование


Передовые технологии правовой и налоговой безопасности предпринимательской деятельности


Ardashev Vladimir

Ardashev Vladimir

Managing partner; expert in private law, taxation and external economic activities; business consultant. 


Ардашев Владимир Леонидович. Управляющий партнер, ведущий специалист по частному праву, налогообложению и ВЭД, консультант по стратегическому планированию.35 years old, working as a practitioner for 12 years.

Sphere of professional interests:

Strategic business planning and external economic activities, business modeling (establishment of company groups, holding companies, tax risks  management), overwhelming  support of investment projects, including external economic activities,  Due diligence, tax and business consulting, optimization of contract work, tax planning, including international; mediation (out-of-court settlement of economic disputes), applied psychology (legal conflictology)

Academic achievements:

Teaching at Law and Economic Higher Schools for 4 years.

Author of a great number of articles in mass media and the Internet on complex problems in the sphere of taxation, methods of dealing with tax and economic conflicts, analysis of tax disputes and tax risks control.

Author of reports on the problems of tax administration and tax reforms.

Seminars, master classes, trainings:

Conducting business seminars for 7 years.

Author of business seminars, master classes and trainings on business planning for the business leaders and specialists, contract work and taxation, including the following:

• Taxation optimization today: tax risks control.
• Tax security of business. Planning, dishonesty, pseudo optimization.
• Ways of successful adjudication of tax disputes. How to win in court. Modern arbitration practice.
• Planning and optimization of contract work and taxation when dealing with foreign contractors.
• Tax checks: instruction for a tax expert.
• Company’s contract work: business planning; legal optimization; reduction of expenses, taxes and risks.
• External economic transactions: private law, tax and customs aspects.
• Complex aspects of value-added tax calculation and payment: taxpayers’ mistakes, contradictions in law, arbitration practice.
• Ways of value-added tax compensation, including the one on export deals.
• Mediation: business planning, legal regulation and taxation.


Те, кто не знают законов, расплачиваются за тех, кто знает законы слишком хорошо.

Л. Вернейль, Ж. Берр, «Школа налогоплательщиков»

Новости и факты
Дизайн: Наталия Ермакова 

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